The people who work at this place are very rude to the people who spend their hard-earned money on fuel or items in the store. You have to buy 50 gallons of fuel to get a shower which is very common but make sure you use that shower in 24 hours and heaven forbid if you lose your receipt you won't get your shower where as if you go to some of the other big name truck stops places and even if you don't have a receipt or a shower credit they'll let you take a shower human kindness I think that's what you call it. There's no water pressure and the grounds are unkept.
Fuel lanes are dirty and have nothing to clean windows with. Air hose do not work water is turned off.
Maybe it's a locals only place and if they can survive on that good for them but there's plenty of other places to go to in the area that are far cry better than this place.
The people who work at this place are very rude to the people who spend their hard-earned money on fuel or items in the store. You have to buy 50 gallons of fuel to get a shower which is very common but make sure you use that shower in 24 hours and heaven forbid if you lose your receipt you won't get your shower where as if you go to some of the other big name truck stops places and even if you don't have a receipt or a shower credit they'll let you take a shower human kindness I think that's what you call it. There's no water pressure and the grounds are unkept. Fuel lanes are dirty and have nothing to clean windows with. Air hose do not work water is turned off. Maybe it's a locals only place and if they can survive on that good for them but there's plenty of other places to go to in the area that are far cry better than this place.