The value of knowledge is hard to measure. Being able to walk into a business, talk to a professional and have your questions answered, and your problems solved, is an invaluable, and fleeting experience. They research what they sell, use what they sell, and sell and rent at good prices. I do not have to price match, or read a bunch of reviews, ASAP is my Consumer Reports for photography. Imagine the antithesis of Best Buy, then head down to ASAP and enjoy.
The value of knowledge is hard to measure. Being able to walk into a business, talk to a professional and have your questions answered, and your problems solved, is an invaluable, and fleeting experience. They research what they sell, use what they sell, and sell and rent at good prices. I do not have to price match, or read a bunch of reviews, ASAP is my Consumer Reports for photography. Imagine the antithesis of Best Buy, then head down to ASAP and enjoy.