Steer clear of this place. Of the three appliances I received, two did not look like the pictures and had significantly more damage than the pictures implied. The delivery people screwed up the wall and put HUGE gouges in my hardwood floor in front of all three appliances. Huge. They also shoved one of the floorboards so hard it created a big gap that I had to go fix. When I called and complained, they claimed the gouges were already there. I know this was a lie because I was the last person in the unit doing work before they delivered the appliances, and took video of all the insides. They claimed my realtor (who went to let them in for delivery) could verify they didn't scratch the floor. She verified the opposite. When I tried demanding a partial refund, which is reasonable ESPECIALLY since the appliances were in such worse shape than advertised, they gave me the runaround and then must have programmed my number into their phone because they stopped ever picking up. This entire business model must be based on running just cheap enough that it's not worth it to pursue them in small claims.
Steer clear of this place. Of the three appliances I received, two did not look like the pictures and had significantly more damage than the pictures implied. The delivery people screwed up the wall and put HUGE gouges in my hardwood floor in front of all three appliances. Huge. They also shoved one of the floorboards so hard it created a big gap that I had to go fix. When I called and complained, they claimed the gouges were already there. I know this was a lie because I was the last person in the unit doing work before they delivered the appliances, and took video of all the insides. They claimed my realtor (who went to let them in for delivery) could verify they didn't scratch the floor. She verified the opposite. When I tried demanding a partial refund, which is reasonable ESPECIALLY since the appliances were in such worse shape than advertised, they gave me the runaround and then must have programmed my number into their phone because they stopped ever picking up. This entire business model must be based on running just cheap enough that it's not worth it to pursue them in small claims. tl, dr: DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME OR MONEY, THEY WILL DELIVER DAMAGED GOODS AND MESS UP YOUR WALLS AND FLOOR